Old Macdonald Golf Course

Western Oregon Golf Course

The fourth course at Bandon Dunes pays homage to golf course architect Charles Blair Macdonald by asking one simple question: What would Macdonald have created had the Oregon Coast been his canvas? Inspired by Macdonald's iconic work, course architects Tom Doak and Jim Urbina crafted a course that seeks the answer upon vast greens, among myriad angles of play, and from the depths of fierce bunkers. By celebrating these classic concepts of design, we honor the traditions of this game we love.

Information Disclaimer

Course length, rating and slope is based on middle-tees where applicable. Information is kept up-to-date from season-to-season and is drawn from the course's own website. You can visit this Old Macdonald Golf Course website directly by clicking here.

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Phone Number (855) 220-6710
Chewelah Golf & CC Golf Spokane
Holes 18
To Par 71
Rating 67.8
Slope 117
Course Length 5658