Highlands Golf Club

Western Oregon Golf Course

The Highlands Golf Club is a special place to play golf. Located in the historic golfing town of Gearhart, Oregon and nestled between the rugged sand dunes overlooking the Pacific, The Highlands is the only ocean view golf course on the northern Oregon Coast. It is a golf course that is fun for players of all ability levels and is a great place to play for the whole family. 

The Highlands is also the home of DiscountDansGolf.com, where you will find the lowest prices on golf equipment in the United States. Great values, great prices, great service. That's why we're "Everyone's Favorite Nine."

Information Disclaimer

Course length, rating and slope is based on middle-tees where applicable. Information is kept up-to-date from season-to-season and is drawn from the course's own website. You can visit this Highlands Golf Club website directly by clicking here.

Website Link Go To Website
Tee Time Link Book Your Tee Time
Phone Number (503) 738-5248
Visit Spokane Golf Spokane
Holes 9
To Par 31
Rating 29.5
Slope 94
Course Length 1776