White Horse Golf Club

Puget Sound/Seattle/Tacoma Golf Course

Once considered among the most difficult golf courses in the Northwest, White Horse Golf Club is now enjoyed by all level of golfers from around the region.

When purchased by the Suquamish Indian Tribe during 2010 there were three immediate goals for their newest acquisition. This list included: softening the course conditions, building a clubhouse, and expanding the food and beverage operations to include a catering and banquet facility.

Local architect John Harbottle was brought in to make the golf course more enjoyable for all golfers. He removed almost half of the bunkers and created more accessible approach shots for golfers into the greens. His formula worked as White Horse is now one of the most popular golf courses to play on the Kitsap Peninsula.

Our full service golf club includes an all grass practice facility with three putting greens, chipping area, and 18 incredible holes of golf.

Information Disclaimer

Course length, rating and slope is based on middle-tees where applicable. Information is kept up-to-date from season-to-season and is drawn from the course's own website. You can visit this White Horse Golf Club website directly by clicking here.

Website Link Go To Website
Tee Time Link Book Your Tee Time
Phone Number (360) 297-4468
WA Golf Visit Spokane
Holes 18
To Par 72
Rating 69.4
Slope 131
Course Length 5913