Orcas Island Golf Course

Northwest Washington Golf Course

In 1962 the Orcas Island Golf Course was built utilizing the natural springs, ponds and rolling hills surrounded by tall evergreens trees. When you arrive you will notice the clubhouse is the original red and white 1890's farmhouse, you will see the the old fruit trees that the island was once famous for. We have kept that history alive with 70 plus new fruit trees lining fairways and mixed in with the old to keep that history alive for generations to come. The course is great for beginners but with plenty challenge for an avid player.

Information Disclaimer

Course length, rating and slope is based on middle-tees where applicable. Information is kept up-to-date from season-to-season and is drawn from the course's own website. You can visit this Orcas Island Golf Course website directly by clicking here.

Website Link Go To Website
Phone Number (360) 376-4400
Golf Spokane WA Golf
Holes 9
To Par 35
Rating 32.8
Slope 114
Course Length 2648