Pinehurst Golf Course

North Idaho Golf Course

Pinehurst Golf Course is level and a good walking course to play. Fairways are fairly wide open though large deciduous trees can come into play on a number of holes.

This is a very well kept 9 hole course. The greens are fantastic and the people are the best. No tee times needed but they are recommended.

Information Disclaimer

Course length, rating and slope is based on middle-tees where applicable. Information is kept up-to-date from season-to-season and is drawn from the course's own website. You can visit this Pinehurst Golf Course website directly by clicking here.

Website Link Go To Website
Phone Number (208) 682-2013
Golf Spokane Visit Spokane
Holes 9
To Par 36
Rating 34.0
Slope 118
Course Length 2994
Region North Idaho