Suntides Golf Course

Central Washington Golf Course

Launched in 1963, Suntides Golf Course was formed by a group of local investors.

110 acres of the Stan Pence Homestead dairy farm was purchased and the course construction began. Nine holes were finished in the spring of 1964 with the second nine completed in 1965.

Since the beginning, Suntides has been the choice among golfers. Our friendly atmosphere welcomes players of all abilities. We are a second generation family owned and operated business, our mom & pop style creates a comfortable setting for all to enjoy.

We host many competitions for golfers to compete in with generous payouts.

Information Disclaimer

Course length, rating and slope is based on middle-tees where applicable. Information is kept up-to-date from season-to-season and is drawn from the course's own website. You can visit this Suntides Golf Course website directly by clicking here.

Website Link Go To Website
Phone Number (509) 966-9065
Golf Spokane WA Golf
Holes 18
To Par 70
Rating 67.7
Slope 115
Course Length 5883